Death is a Transition
Like a dead seed planted into fertile soil, death itself is not permanent – only a transition from one life to the next.
Around 1977, early 1978, I was probably the only young person you know who made it his mission to GO. TO. CHURCH. I would go to church to listen to the pastor preach, the Bible readings and the choir sing…
Billions of leaves scattered about under the trees around the Common.Each leaf slightly different than another – some brighter, some darker, some more golden, some more brown.No two leaves exactly alike.But each created with a purpose.Each just as important as…
With a grateful heart of thanksgiving, happy thanksgiving to you, and yours.
“So, that was it?”, I asked God as we drove away on that First Sunday in Advent, 2012, “That was the ‘special moment’ You told me about two weeks ago, right?” Mom and I arrived in Minneapolis Thursday night and…
Don’t panic – keep your eyes on Jesus. I was reminded during morning prayers this morning of a biblical story I once tried to live by. “Wait!”, someone might ask, “what do you mean you ‘once tried to live by’?…
“[In His own words], I go to prepare a place for you. And, if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”…