advent theme

JOY: What is Joy?

JOY. On this, the third week in Advent, we light the third candle of the Advent wreath – the pink, or rose, candle. And, we celebrate the third Sunday that preceeds the third week in Advent as “gaudete”, or “rejoice”, Sunday. It’s a week to rejoice! But, what are we rejoicing about? You say, “but, […]

JOY: What is Joy? Read More »

PEACE: What is Peace?

PEACE. It’s raining outside my window. Kind of a dark and gloomy kind of day – with the sun hiding behind the clouds. I can hear the pitter-patter of raindrops. It’s actually rather peace-ful. In this, the second week of Advent, as we have done time and again over the years, we revisit the Advent

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