You. Are. Amazing.

Thank you, Lord, for the amazing person who is reading this.
I lift them to You and place them into the palms of Your loving and merciful hands. They are in need in some way and I pray You would touch and bless them, and take care of all their needs – for You know them better than anyone.
You created the person reading this and You know every thing there is to know about them. You know every hair on their head, every part of their being, every member of their family, every corner of their life, their home, their work and every penny in their accounts.
Bless them, O Lord, with hope, and joy, and a sense of peace which surpasses all understanding.
And hear their prayers too.
Surround and protect them in their going out, and in their coming in, in their lying down and their rising up, in their labor, their leisure, their laughter and their tears until they come before you in that day in which there is no sunset, and no dawning.
Thank You, Lord, for this amazing individual.
May they feel and know Your presence in their lives. And come to know You better everyday.
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