Worrying? About What?

What do you worry about?
Finances? Family? Friends? The world around us?
In His “Sermon on the Mount”, Christ taught us NOT to worry.
Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” –Matt. 6:25.
Do NOT worry!
In 2012, mom and I found ourselves on an amazing journey where the climax was an amazing encounter in the most unlikeliest of places.
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you have already heard about the journey.
If not, stay tuned – keep following me.
In either case, afterward, after our trip to Minnesota, I dubbed our journey our “Psalm 23 trip” – a journey of learning to put our trust, and our faith, in Jesus Christ.
Very simply, that trip would NOT have happened, and we would NOT have had the experience we had, and the blessings we received, if we had NOT put our trust and our faith in Jesus Christ.
Two weeks before the trip commenced, I was stressed – worrying – about how we were going to afford certain things.
Yes, we had the plane tickets in hand.
But, where was the money going to come from for the rental car?
The hotel?
The incidentals we would need along the way?
I felt God speak to me – in my gut.
He asked, “Are you more worried about how you’re going to afford this trip?
Or, doing what I want you to do?”.
He had me.
If I answered I was more worried about doing what He wanted me to do, where was the money going to come from? If I answered I was more worried about where the money was coming from, where was my faith – oh me of “little faith” (Matt. 8:26)?
I was worried about being worried!
I had to trust, and to put my faith, in Him.
In the next verse, Matthew 6, vs 26, He taught us, “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Our nature is to worry because, well, that’s the way of the world.
But, Christ challenges us NOT to worry.
To trust, and to put our faith, in Him.
Because that’s the way of His Kingdom.

(Don’t worry, 😊 Feel free to Like & Share)

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