The Word

These words came to me during morning prayers: I need to BELIEVE again. I need to TRUST again. I need to HAVE FAITH again. I need to LIVE again. I need to LOVE again. When trials and tribulations come, when…
Also appearing in Washington D.C., NYC, San Francisco and Los Angeles!! – Get the details at– Get tickets at
Can you see a tornado? No. You can see the dust and the debris a tornado picks up and swirls around but, just like the air that surrounds you – the same air you are breathing as you read this…
Okay, then. Now what? Where do we go from here? Sometimes, I imagine the disciples sitting in the upper room, after Christ’s crucifixion, asking the same question. This Man who had called them to follow Him, this Man whom they…
As I previously mentioned, the First Sunday in Advent this year, 2022 – which falls on Sunday, November 27th – marks the 10th anniversary of a most amazing divine encounter mom and I had at the Mall of America. I’m…
Peter. Walked on water. Many, if not all, of us are familiar with the story. Basically, the disciples were all in a boat, out in the sea, when they witnessed Christ walking on the water. Peter wanted to get out…