Believe Again.

These words came to me during morning prayers:

I need to BELIEVE again.
I need to TRUST again.
I need to HAVE FAITH again.
I need to LIVE again.
I need to LOVE again.
When trials and tribulations come, when sickness or illness overcomes, when we lose a loved one, our lives, our faith, can be shaken to the very foundation of our being.
We may literally, or figuratively, run in circles with feelings of loss and defeat – even believing the lies that our “life is over”, that “nothing is left”, that we should just “quit”, “give in”, “give”.
Afterall, God has abandoned us, right?
God has NOT abandoned us! He has not turned His back on us. 
As the author of Hebrews writes, “For He Himself [the Lord] has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.'” –Hebrews 13:5 NKJV.

He “stands at the door and waits” (Revelation 3:20) for us. He loves us. He cries with us, and He rejoices with us. He is patient, and kind, and loves us more than we’ll ever know.

And, He understands our pain, our sorrow, like none other. Afterall, consider the pain, the sorrow, the suffering, the rejection He went through on the way to the cross.

Who can understand what we’re going through better than the One who already has been there? – And has the scars to prove it?

When the time is right, we need to BELIEVE again. We need to TRUST, to HAVE FAITH and to LIVE again. We need to LOVE again. When the time is right.

Peace and blessings,
Ch. Doug

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