You’re hurting. I hear you.

You’re hurting. I hear you. 
This is a particularly difficult time of the year for many. It’s tough when, in the midst of the festivities, we feel we must put on a happy face and hide the pain, the tears, the sadness. 
You are not alone.
And, you don’t have to “fake it ’til you make it” – as some might say. It’s okay to shed a tear, or two – to cry, to let it out.
It’s okay to have a “blue Christmas”.
May I offer a prayer for you?
Father God, I want to take this moment to lift up, to You, the person that is reading this, and praying with me, right now.
I place them into the palm of Your most loving and merciful hand. 
They hurt. 
They are experiencing pain in their life. 
This is a tough time for them. 
And, You know what they are going through. 
Please calm their heart, comfort them, dry their tears and grant them a sense of peace which only You can give them. 
Help them to know they are not alone and that You love them so much You sent Your only Son into the world for them. 
Thank You, Father, for being with and walking with them in these tough times. You love them, and so do I. Amen.
God’s peace and blessings to you in these difficult days.
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