My Christmas Story: Miracle at the Mall – Pt.4

So, that was it?”, I asked God as we drove away on that First Sunday in Advent, 2012, “That was the ‘special moment’ You told me about two weeks ago, right?

Mom and I arrived in Minneapolis Thursday night and headed to Fergus Falls, a 3-1/2 hour drive northwest of the cities on Friday. We stayed in Fergus Falls until early Sunday morning when we headed back to the Ft. Snelling Chapel to surprise friends of ours. Leaving Fergus Falls in the “dark of the morning”, at 7am, we discovered we were driving in freezing fog – all the way back.

I likened it to Psalm 23 only, instead of walking, we were driving through the valley of the shadow of death. We had to have faith and trust God we would make it back to Minneapolis safely.

We made it and had a most delightful experience at the Chapel that Sunday morning. As we left the chapel, I asked God, “So, that was it? That was that special moment You told me about, right?”.

I felt Him answer, “Well, that was a special moment but not the moment I have waiting for you. That moment is yet to come”. I remained puzzled – I mean, what could possibly be more special than that?

Later that day, we joined our cousins at the Mall of America for supper, and a concert.

We had a delightful time. Then, just before the band played their last song for the evening, I felt a tap on my left shoulder. As I turned to see who it was, I froze as my eyes fell upon a young lad of about nine or 10 years old, wearing a red jacket. He was standing there, looking me in the eye, with right arm stretched toward me, palm up and a coin resting in the middle of his hand.

He asked, “Did you lose this penny?”.

At that moment, a million thoughts seemed to flood my mind as motion around me seemed to stop.

The words of Isaiah 11:6 came to mind, “.. And a Child shall lead them”. The lad’s red jacket – red being symbolic of the Holy Spirit. The penny. The First Sunday in Advent. Something very special, very divine, was happening as I looked into his deep brown eyes.

I couldn’t speak. I nudged mom, stuttered a few words.

The lad shrugged his shoulders, pocketed the coin and, as he walked away, my ears caught the band’s last song for the evening, … (Stay tuned for part 5).

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