Miracle at the Mall, 2012

Ten years? Wow.

Seems like it was forever ago. And, yet, seems like just yesterday.

So much has happened since then.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of a most divine encounter that happened, in the most unusual of places, to mom and myself – at the Mall of America on the first Sunday of Advent. Hope Sunday.

And, it was about this time, 10 years ago, when I was stressing out because I wasn’t sure how we were going to afford the logistics of the trip. We already had the tickets – that was the answer to our prayer the month before, in October 2012. However, we still needed funds for the hotel, the rental car and the other little necessities of travel.

That’s when, for the first time I can recall, God spoke to me in my gut saying, “Are you more concerned with how you’re going to pay for this trip? Or, with doing what I want you to do?”.

He had me there.

It was also about this time He, God, revealed something very special was going to happen. He wouldn’t tell me what it was but He was giving me a sort of “heads up”.

Two weeks later, the most amazing thing happened. On the first Sunday in Advent, 2012.

I’ll call it, “My Christmas Story: Miracle at the Mall, 2012”.

Stay tuned. ☺

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