Happy Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day!

On October 31, 1517 – 505 years ago – Martin Luther nailed his now famous 95 thesis on the church door giving birth to the Protestant Reformation, and the Protestant faith.

Reformation day, and by implication, the Protestant Reformation, is a reminder to, among other things, “ask questions”.

The last thing evilness wants is for the righteous, the faithful, to start asking questions.

Martin Luther felt a conviction that something was not right. So, he “asked questions” which ultimately led him to the conviction and belief that things were not right within the church and that changes needed to be made.

We need to do that again today. Many churches are turning away from worshipping the one true God. Many are becoming more like social clubs with a social hour on Sunday mornings. Many have hurt rather than helped people. Many have turned good people, the spiritually thirsty and hungry, away.

This needs to change. We need to ask questions.

Like Martin Luther, we need another “95 thesis”.

We need another reformation.

We need to return, among other things, to the original meaning of going to church, to acknowledging, loving and worshipping God – putting Him first above all else – and loving our neighbor, second, as we love ourselves.

In the 1960s, our nation took God out of the schools and public places. Now the same thing is happening in our churches – with a generation, or two, who have not had the blessing of experiencing God in every aspect of their life.

Worship of God is being replaced by worship of people.

Like Martin Luther, sometimes we need to stop and ask the question, “are we going in the right direction?”. If so, great!

If not, it would be sinful to fail to correct it.

Protestantism, and the Protestant Reformation, reminds us to stop and ask those questions.

Happy Reformation Day!

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