Distracted but Saved!

So, He reached down and grabbed ahold of Peter – pulling him up to safety in the arms of Jesus.

Recently, I shared the story of Peter walking on the water, being distracted, drowning in his distraction and being pulled up and saved by Christ.

What happened after?

Imagine the story Peter had to share with others – the story the disciples, who were in the boat, witnessed and had to share with others.

Peter was saved from drowning, not by his own actions, but by Christ who heard his cry, reached down and saved him.

Sounds a bit like a metaphor doesn’t it?

Sounds like what we might experience in our own lives as we walk on the sea we know as the world.

When we get distracted, when we think “hey, I got this!”, when we think we can do it on our own, we begin sinking. When we give in to the waves of the world, when we give in to temptation and sin, we sink. We drown.

We cannot save ourselves

However, we have a friend who – like in Peter’s case – can reach down, grab ahold of us and pull us up to safety. Like He did for Peter, Christ can “save” us also.

Imagine the story Peter, and his disciples, had to share with their followers after – the day Christ saved him as he was walking on water. And, the story we have to share when Christ “saves” us.

Its already happened.

Christ has already saved us. All we have to do is accept it.

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