But, its 3am
I do my best thinking – and praying – at 3am.
So, He reached down and grabbed ahold of Peter – pulling him up to safety in the arms of Jesus. Recently, I shared the story of Peter walking on the water, being distracted, drowning in his distraction and being pulled up and saved by Christ. What happened after? Imagine the story Peter had to share…
JOY. On this, the third week in Advent, we light the third candle of the Advent wreath – the pink, or rose, candle. And, we celebrate the third Sunday that preceeds the third week in Advent as “gaudete”, or “rejoice”, Sunday. It’s a week to rejoice! But, what are we rejoicing about? You say, “but,…
When I was a little boy, I couldn’t wait until I was able to receive Holy Communion in my church.Through the years, I’ve gained a deeper and more profound understanding of Communion which began as a Passover meal and our Lord’s “Last Supper”.To have a greater appreciation for Holy Communion, and our Lord’s Last Supper,…
LOVE. We’ve been on a journey. Over the past three weeks, we’ve journeyed through the season of Advent. On the first week of our journey, we lit the first candle of the Advent wreath and meditated on the theme, “HOPE”. On the second week, our journey took us along the path of “PEACE”. And, last…
He answered saying, “My friend, it is indeed true that you saw two sets of footprints in the good times of your life. Those are the times I walked by your side. And, indeed, it is true there are only one set of footprints in the difficult times. It was those times when I didn’t…