An Anniversary of sorts

Around 1977, early 1978, I was probably the only young person you know who made it his mission to GO. TO. CHURCH.

I would go to church to listen to the pastor preach, the Bible readings and the choir sing the songs they sang.

Then, I would come home, retype the Sunday bulletin on mom’s typewriter and invite all the neighborhood kids over to our living room where I would preach to them about the love of Christ.

In short time, mom and I would relocate to the east coast, and New England, where I continued on, in a new church, in a number of positions.

In time, as I became involved in Scouting, I would become an unofficial Scout Chaplain which led to an official Scout Chaplain where the bulk of my ministry has been for some 37 years.

Man, what a ride! What a ride! 😊

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